How Iwate University Responded to the Great East Japan Earthquake

Iwate University Reconstruction Activities Editorial Committee 編



『東日本大震災で大学はどう動いたか 1:地震発生から現在までの記録』『同 2:復興支援と研究・教育の取り組み』(岩手大学復興活動記録誌編集委員会編、2019、古今書院)を英訳。2巻本を合本して1冊にまとめた。電子書籍として発行。
This record of reconstruction activities is a compendium of the knowledge and know-how that was accumulated during Iwate University's earthquake reconstruction activities from the occurrence of the Great East Japan Earthquake 2011 to present day, in the aim of supporting future disaster prevention measures and so on.